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Version: 3.2.0


The engine is the core of the platform, it is the service that runs instances of the process definitions, generates UI, communicates with the frontend and also with custom integrations and plugins. It keeps track of all currently running process instances and makes sure the process flows run correctly.

A high-level overviewโ€‹


Creating and interacting with process instances is pretty straightforward, as most of the interaction happens automatically and is handled by the engine.

The only points that need used interaction are starting the process and executing user tasks on it (for example when a user fills in a form on the screen and saves the results).


The process can be started by making an API call. Certain parameters needed by the process can be sent on the request body.

Some special cases for stating process instances are:

  • starting a process instance from another instance and inhering some data from the first one to the second
  • a process can have multiple start nodes, in which case, a start condition must be set when making the start process call

Start process - starts a new process instance for the requested process definition name



PROCESS_DEFINITION_NAME (string) - the name of the process definition to instantiate

Body (object) - a JSON object with relevant process data


200 - returns all the relevant process instance data


Start process and inherit values from previous process - start a new process instance which inherits some values from a previous process



RELATED_PEROCESS_INSTANCE_UUID (string) - the name of the process definition to instantiate

PROCESS_DEFINITION_NAME (string) - the name of the process definition to be started


paramsToInherit (string) - a map with info regarding which values to copy from the related process instance



The paramsToInherit map should hold the needed values on one the following keys, depending on the desired outcome:

  • paramsToCopy - this is used to pick only a subset of parameters to be inherited from the parent process; it holds the list of key names that will be inherited from the parent parameters
  • withoutParams - this is used in case we need to remove some parameter values from the parent process before inheriting them; it holds the list of key names that will be removed from the parent parameters

If none of these keys have values, all the parameter values from the parent process will be inherited by the new process.


Process status - returns the complete data about the requested process instance



PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID (string) - the name of the process definition to instantiate


200 - returns all the info related to the requested process instance


Execute action - runs an action on a process instance



ACTION_NAME (string) - the name of the action to run

TOKEN_INSTANCE_ID (integer) - the token instance ID

PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID (integer) - the process instance ID




File upload - runs an action to upload file to the process instance



ACTION_NAME (string) - the name of the action to run

TOKEN_INSTANCE_ID (integer) - the token instance ID

PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID (integer) - the process instance ID



ยปFLOWX.AI Engine setup guide

Triggering or skipping nodes on a process based on Flow Namesโ€‹

There might be cases when you want to include or exclude process nodes based on some information that is available at start. For example, in case of a bank onboarding process, you might want a few extra nodes in the process in case the person trying to onboard is a minor.

For these cases, we have added the possibility of defining flow names. For each process node, we can choose to set if they are only available in certain cases. In the example above, we will need a flow name, let's call it enroll_minor. And we'll have to add this to the extra nodes.

When starting a process, in case a value is set on the flowName key in the values map, it will be used in order to decide which nodes to be included in a certain process instance. This means that if an adult starts the bank onboarding process, no extra key will be added when starting the process, so the extra nodes that have the enroll_minor flow name set will not be included. Those nodes will only be included in case a minor person starts an onboarding process.


If no flowName value is set on a node, this means the node will be included in all possible flows.

A node could also be a part of multiple flow names.

Advancing controllerโ€‹

The process engine needs the advancing controller, a support service, to orchestrate advancing more efficiently with equal distribution and redistribution of load during scale-up and scale-down.

Advancing controller microservice uses Postgres triggers in the database configuration.


A Postgres trigger is a function called automatically whenever an event such as an insert, update, or deletion occurs.


If the process engine is up and running, make sure the advancing microservice is up as well.

Check out the section below for further information on how to set up the microservice:

ยปAdvancing controller setup guide

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