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Version: 3.0.0

Building your first process


Let's dive into an example. 🚀

  • Step 1: Design a BPMN process

  • Step 2: Define and manage a process flow using FLOWX.AI Process Designer

  • Step 3: Run a process instance in FLOWX.AI Engine

  • Step 4: Create the front-end app

  • Step 5: Connect plugins

Designing the BPMN process: request a new credit card from a bank app

Let's start with designing the BPMN process diagram for our sample use case: requesting a new credit card from a bank app.

Sample process steps

We'll take as a business process example a credit card application. It will have the following steps:

  • a user makes a request for a new credit card - start event
  • the user has to fill in a form with their personal data - user task
  • the bank system must check the users credit score, this is done automatically using a send event that sends a credit score check request to the credit score adapter and a receive event that waits for the reply from the adapter - automatic task
  • the process is split in two branches depending on the credit score - exclusive gateway
  • on each of those branches are a service task that saves the appropriate credit card type to the proces data - automatic task
  • the two branches are merged back into one by a closing gateway
  • the user is shown the details of the credit card and they have to confirm it - user task
  • after the user confirmation, the process is split again into two branches, this time they take place in parallel - parallel gateway. An action to register the request in the banks systems (bank system adapter / integration) and a confirmation email (notification plugin) to be sent to the user
  • another automatic task follows, a call to an external API to compute the distance between the users address and the bank locations ( - automatic task
  • a new task is used to sort the location distances and pick the top three to be displayed to the user - automatic task
  • the user has to pick the card pickup point from the bank location suggestions - user task
  • a receive task will wait to the confirmation from the bank that the user has picked up the new card and the process flow ends - end event

Sample process diagram

This is what the BPMN diagram looks like:

Request a new credit card


Download sample here.

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