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Version: 3.2.0

Collection Prototype


This additional container type is needed to allow multiple prototypes to be defined for a single Collection. This allows elements from the same collection to be displayed differently.

For example, suppose you are creating a piece of UI in which the user is presented a list of possible products from which to choose, but you want one of the products to be highlighted as the recommended one. This example requires a collection with two collection prototypes (one for the normal product and one for the recommended one).

Configurable properties:

  1. Prototype Identifier Key - the key where to look in the iterated object to determine the prototype to be shown - in the below example the key is "type"
  2. Prototype Identifier Value - the value that should be present at the Prototype Identifier Key when this COLLECTION_PROTOTYPE should be displayed - in the below example the value is "normal" or "recommended"


Collection with two prototypes

Collection prototype for normal product

Collection prototype for recommended product

Source collection data example for products:

products: [
name: 'Product One Plus',
description: 'The plus option'
type: 'normal'
name: 'Product Two Premium',
description: 'This is premium product'
type: 'recommended',
name: 'Product Basic',
description: 'The most basic option'
type: 'normal'
name: 'Gold Product',
description: 'The gold option'
type: 'normal',

The above configuration will render:

Collection with two prototypes as rendered by the SDK

Adding elements with UI Actions

There are a few differences you need to take into consideration when configuring elements that make use of UI Actions inside a Collection Prototype.

To showcase these differences, we'll use the next example:

Rendered Collection which lists two employees

We have a Collection with two employees and we want to provide the user with the option of selecting one of the employees (eg. to allow for further processing in the next steps of the process).

Step 1 - Defining the Node Action

To select one employee from the list, we first must add an Action to the User Task Node this UI is attached to:

Node Action that saves the selected employee to the process's data.

This save-item action is manual (since it will be triggered by the user) and optionally (since selecting an employee is not a requirement to go to the next Node in the process).

To allow the user to change his mind about the selected employee, this action is also marked as Repeatable.

Keep in mind to check the Data to send section. Here we are telling the platform where we want the selected employee (for which the user pressed the Select button) to be saved in the process data. In this example, we want it to be saved under the selectedEmployee key.

Step 2 - Adding the Button & UI Action

Now that we have a Node Action defined, we can go ahead and add the Select button in the UI of the User Task which contains the Employees Collection.

Select employee button and its UI Action configuration

Collection Item Save Key field has an important role in the UI Action configuration of the Select button. This field represents how we pass the value of the Employee that the user has selected to the Node Action that we created in Step 1, named save-item.

In our example, we set Collection Item Save Key to be selectedEmployee.


IMPORTANT: selectedEmployee key is how we expose the data from the Collection to the Node Action It is imperative that the name in the Collection Item Save Key is the same as the one used in the Data to send input in the Node Action.

The button and UI action are mostly configured as any other Button and UI Action would be configured.


This is how the process data looked before we pressed the Select button for an employee:

Process data before selecting an employee

This is how the process data looks after we selected an employee from the list (notice the new field selectedEmployee):

Process data after selecting an employee

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