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Version: 3.2.0


A collection of values that can be utilized as content in UI components or templates is managed using enumerations. Values can be defined for certain source systems or languages.

On the main screen inside Enumerations, you have the following elements:

  • Name - the name of the enumeration
  • Version - the version of the enumeration
  • Draft - switch button used to control the status of an enumeration, could be Draft or Published
  • Last Updated - the last time an enumeration has been updated
  • Open - button used to access an enumeration to configure it/ add more values, etc.
  • Delete - button used to delete an enumeration
  • New enumeration - button used to create a new enumeration
  • Breadcrumbs > Import/Export

For each entry (when you hit the Open button) inside an enumeration we have to define the following properties:

  • Code - not displayed in the end-user interface, but used to assure value uniqueness
  • Labels - strings that are displayed in the end-user interface, according to the language set for the generated solution
  • External source systems codes - values that are set for each external system that might consume data from the process; these codes are further used by connectors, in other to send to an external system a value that it can validate

Adding a new enumeration

To add a new enumeration, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to FLOWX Designer and select the Content Management tab.
  2. Select Enumerations from the list.
  3. Add a suggestive name for your enumeration and then click Add.

Configuring an enumeration

After creating an enumeration, you can add values to it.

To configure an enumeration value, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to FLOWX.AI Designer and select the Content Management tab.
  2. Select Enumerations from the list and open an enumeration.
  3. Click New value and fill in the necessary details:
    • Code - as mentioned above, this is not displayed in the end-user interface but is used to assure value uniqueness
    • Labels - set the value of the string for each language you would like to use
    • Source Systems - values that are set for each external system that might consume data from the process

Creating a child collection

Enumerations can also be defined as a hierarchy - for each entry, we can define a list of children values (for example, name of the countries defined under the continents' enumeration values); hierarchies further enable cascading values in the end-user interface (for example, after selecting a continent in the first select UI component, the second select component will contain only the children of this continent).

Importing/exporting an enumeration

You can use the import/export feature to import or export enumerations using the following formats:

  • JSON
  • CSV

Enumerations example

Enumerations, for instance, can be used to build elaborate lists of values (with children). Assuming you wish to add enumerations for Activity Domain Companies, you can create children collections by grouping lists and other related domains and activities.

We have the following example for Activity Domain Companies:

Activity Domain Companies → Agriculture forestry and fishing:

  • Agriculture, hunting, and related services →
Cultivation of non-perennial plants:
  • Cultivation of cereals (excluding rice), leguminous plants and oilseeds
  • Cultivation of rice
  • Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
  • Cultivation of tobacco
Cultivation of plants from permanent crops:
  • Cultivation of grapes
  • Cultivation of grapes
  • Cultivation of seeds and stone fruits
  • Cultivation of oil seeds
Animal husbandry:
  • Raising of dairy cattle
  • Raising of other cattle
  • Raising horses and other horses
  • Forestry and logging →
Forestry and other forestry activities:
  • Forestry and other forestry activities
  • Logging
Collection of non-wood forest products from spontaneous flora:
  • Collection of non-wood forest products from spontaneous flor
  • Fisheries and aquaculture →
  • Sea fishing
  • Freshwater fishing
  • Maritime aquaculture
  • Freshwater aquaculture

This is the output after adding all the lists/collections from above:

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