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Version: 3.4.x

๐Ÿ“ฆ Task management


The Task Management plugin is a powerful plugin that enables back-officers and supervisors to efficiently track and assign tasks within a company. It provides a business-oriented view of a

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defined using
The fallback content to display on prerendering
and allows for seamless interactions at the assignment level.

Task Manager


Within the Task Manager section, particularly under All Tasks, you'll find the Activities tab, featuring:

  • Title: The task's title.
  • Stage: The specific stages during process execution.
  • Assignee: The person responsible for the process.
  • Status: The current process status (details in Process Status Updates).
  • Priority: Allows task prioritization.
  • Last Updated: Timestamp for the latest updates.
  • Search: A search function to find process keys stored in the process.

Task Detailsโ€‹

The Task Details tab within Task Manager provides key process information, including:

  • Priority: Enables task prioritization.
  • Status: The current process status.
  • Stage: Specific stages during process execution.
  • Comments: User comments.
  • History: Information such as task creation, creator, and status changes.

Task details


Please note that specific roles must be defined in a process to utilize all task management features. For configuration details, see Configuring Access Roles for Processes.

Process status updatesโ€‹

Task Manager displays various statuses based on process state:

CreatedThis status is visible only if there is an issue with the process creation. If the process is error-free in its configuration, you will see the Started status instead.
StartedIndicates that the process is in progress and running.
FinishedThe process has reached an end node and completed its execution.
FailedDisplayed when a CronJob is enabled in the FLOWX engine. For example, if a CronJob is triggered but not completed on time, tasks move to the FAILED status.

Displayed when expiryTime field is defined within the process definition. To set up an expiryTime function, follow these steps

  1. Go to FLOWX Designer > Processes > Definitions.
  2. Select a process and click the "โ‹ฎ" button, then choose Settings.
  3. Inside the General tab, you can edit the Expiry time field.
AbortedThis status is available for processes that also contain subprocesses. When a subprocess is running (and the token is moved backward to redo a series of previous actions) - the subprocess will be aborted.
DismissedAvailable for processes that contain subprocesses. It is displayed when a user stops a subprocess.
On holdFreezes the process, blocking further actions. A superuser can trigger this status for clarification or unfreeze.
TerminatedA request is sent via Kafka to terminate a process instance, ending all active tokens in the current process or subprocesses.

Swimlanes and Stages Updatesโ€‹

Task Manager also tracks swimlane and stage changes:

Swimlanes Updatesโ€‹

Swimlane EnterMarks token entering a new swimlane.
Swimlane ExitIndicates token exiting a swimlane.

Stages Updatesโ€‹

Stage EnterMarks token entering a new stage.
Stage ExitIndicates token exiting a stage.

Using the pluginโ€‹

The Task Manager plugin offers a range of features tailored to different roles, including:


You can configure Task Manager to send information about your process by enabling the Use process in task management button at the node level. This allows the Task Manager plugin to send updates about the process.

To set up Task Management to send updates on your process, follow these steps:

  1. In FLOWX.AI Designer, open the desired process definition.
  2. Select the Settings tab from the left sidebar menu.
  3. Enable the Use process in task management toggle butto

Update task management


Some actions may be restricted based on user roles and access rights.

To set up Task Management to send extra updates on your process using only some specific areas of your process:

  1. In FLOWX.AI Designer, open your process definition.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Select a node for Task Manager to trigger updates upon reaching.
  4. Enable the Update task management? switch.

You can configure this action for multiple nodes.

Update task management

For detailed configuration steps, refer to the Task Management Plugin Setup section.

ยปTask Management plugin setup

Task Assignment and Reassignmentโ€‹

Consider this scenario: you're the HR manager overseeing the onboarding process for new employees. In order to streamline this operation, you've opted to leverage a task manager plugin. This process consists of two key phases: the Initiation Stage and the Account Setup Stage, each requiring a designated team member.

The Initiation Stage has successfully concluded, marking the transition to the Account Setup Stage. At this juncture, it's essential to reassign the task, originally assigned to John Doe, to Jane Doe, a valuable member of the backoffice team.

Managing On-Hold Projectsโ€‹

As a project manager overseeing various ongoing projects, you may need to temporarily pause one due to unforeseen circumstances. To manage this, you use the "On Hold" status.

Adding Commentsโ€‹

When handling on-hold projects, document the reasons, inform the team, and plan for resumption. This pause helps address issues and ensures a smoother project flow upon resuming. Never forget to add comments:

Viewing the Applicationโ€‹

In the task management tab, paste the application URL where the process is loaded, following this format:




You can also use a defined generic parameter as a URL: ${genericParameter}.

Bulk updatesโ€‹

Send bulk update requests via Kafka (using Process Engine) to perform multiple operations at once. Use the Kafka topic:

  • KAFKA_TOPIC_PROCESS_OPERATIONS_BULK_IN (defined in Process Engine) to send operations from "KAFKA_TOPIC_PROCESS_OPERATIONS_IN" as an array, allowing multiple operations at once. More details here.

Example of a bulk request:


"operations": [
"operationType": "HOLD",
"taskId": "some task id",
"processInstanceUuid": "d3aabfd8-d041-4c62-892f-22d17923b223", // the id of the process instance
"swimlaneName": "Default", //name of the swimlane
"owner": null,
"author": "",
"requestID": "1234567891"
"operationType": "HOLD",
"taskId": "some task id",
"processInstanceUuid": "d3aabfd8-d041-4c62-892f-22d17923b223",
"swimlaneName": "Default", //name of the swimlane
"owner": null,
"author": "",
"requestID": "1234567890"

For more information on bulk updates configuration, see Process Engine Setup:

ยปProcess Engine Setup

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