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Version: 2.13.0


Image settings

  • Flowx props
    • Source location - the location from where the image is loaded
      • Media Library
      • Process Data
      • External

Depending on which Source location is selected, different Flowx props are available.

Media library

  • Image key - image key from media library
  • select from media library - search item by key and select it from media library

  • upload to media library - add a new item (upload an image on the spot)
    • upload item - supported formats: PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, WebP; ❗️(maximum size - 1 MB)
    • key - the key must be unique and you cannot change it afterwards

Process Data

  • Source Type - URL or Base 64 string
  • Process Data Key - process key where the image can be found
  • Placeholder URL - public URL where the image placeholder is available


  • Image source - valid URL of the image
  • Placeholder URL - public URL where the image placeholder is available

UI actions

  • add UI action - add a UI Action (must be configured on the same node) - more details here

Image styling

  • valid CSS properties - more details here

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