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Version: 3.4.x

Splitting documents

You can split a document into multiple parts using the Documents Plugin.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to split a document, such as when a user uploads a bulk scanned file that needs to be separated into distinct files.


  1. Access Permissions: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to use the Documents Plugin. The user account used for these operations should have the required access rights.

  2. Kafka Configuration: Verify that the Kafka messaging system is properly configured and accessible. The Documents Plugin relies on Kafka for communication between nodes.

  • Kafka Topics: Familiarize yourself with the Kafka topics used for these operations (later in this section)
  1. Before initiating the splitting process, ensure you have the unique ID of the file in the storage solution. This ensures that the splitting is performed on an already uploaded file.

Ensure that the uploaded document contains more than one file.

You have two options to obtain the file ID:


In the following example, we will use the fileId generated for a document with multiple files using Uploading a New Document scenario.

"customId": "119407",
"fileId": "446c69fb-32d2-44ba-a0b2-02dbb55e7eea",
"documentType": "BULK",
"documentLabel": null,
"minioPath": "flowx-dev-process-id-119407/119407/465_BULK.pdf",
"downloadPath": "internal/files/446c69fb-32d2-44ba-a0b2-02dbb55e7eea/download",
"noOfPages": null,
"error": null

Configuring the splitting process

To create a process that splits a document into multiple parts, follow these steps:

  1. Create a process that includes a Message Event Send (Kafka) node and a Message Event Receive (Kafka) node:
  • Use the Message Send node to send the splitting request.
  • Use the Message Receive node to receive the splitting reply.
  1. Configure the first node (Message Send) by adding a Kafka send action.

  2. Specify the Kafka topic where you want to send the splitting request.


To identify your defined topics in your current environment, follow the next steps:

  1. From the FLOWX.AI main screen, navigate to the Platform Status menu at the bottom of the left sidebar.
  2. In the FLOWX Components list, scroll to the document-plugin-mngt line and press the eye icon on the right side.
  3. In the details screen, expand the KafkaTopicsHealthCheckIndicator line and then details → configuration → topic → document → split. Here you will find the in and out topics for splitting documents.

  1. Fill in the body of the message request.

Message request example

"parts": [
"documentType": "BULK",
"customId": "119407",
"pagesNo": [
"shouldOverride": true
"fileId": "446c69fb-32d2-44ba-a0b2-02dbb55e7eea"
  • fileId: The file ID of the document that will be split
  • parts: A list containing information about the expected document parts
    • documentType: The document type.
    • customId: The unique identifier for your document (it could be for example the ID of a client)
    • shouldOverride: A boolean value (true or false) indicating whether to override an existing document if one with the same name already exists
    • pagesNo: The pages that you want to separate from the document
  1. Configure the second node (Message Receive) by adding a Data stream topic:


The response will be sent to this ..out Kafka topic.

Receiving the reply

The following values are expected in the reply body:

  • docs: A list of documents.
    • customId: The unique identifier for your document (matching the name of the folder in the storage solution where the document is uploaded).
    • fileId: The ID of the file.
    • documentType: The document type.
    • minioPath: The storage path for the document.
    • downloadPath: The download path for the document.
    • noOfPages: The number of pages in the document.
  • error: Any error message in case of an error during the splitting process.

Here's an example of the response JSON:

Message response example

"docs": [
"customId": "119407",
"fileId": "c4e6f0b0-b70a-4141-993b-d304f38ec8e2",
"documentType": "BULK",
"documentLabel": null,
"minioPath": "flowx-dev-process-id-119408/119407/466_BULK.pdf",
"downloadPath": "internal/files/c4e6f0b0-b70a-4141-993b-d304f38ec8e2/download",
"noOfPages": 2,
"error": null
"error": null

The split document is now available in the storage solution and can be downloaded:

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