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v2.12.0-September 2022

Howdy๐Ÿ‘‹. Did you miss us? Here is what we prepared for you on our latest release:

New featuresโ€‹

๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ Search for data in another processโ€‹

The new search data microservice enables you to create a process that can look for data (using Kafka send / Kafka receive actions) in other processes.

ยปSearch data microservice

โœ๏ธ UI Designerโ€‹

Card UI elementโ€‹

A new "CARD" UI component is now available, it acts like a Container component with the following FLOWX props available: title, subtitle and accordion. The new element will improve user experience while editing the UI of a process. The card can be added to a user task using the UI Designer.


The accordion is a component that organizes content within collapsible items. Accordion allows the display of only one collapsed item at a time.

Form group updatesโ€‹

The FLOWX props items (Title and Subtitle) were removed from to Form group and moved to the new Card UI element.

Add node actions from UI Designerโ€‹

Now is possible to create and add node actions directly from UI Designer, without having to go back and forth between UI and process config while designing a page that contains actions.

Add actions from UI Designer

Prefill UI action name with node action nameโ€‹

The default value for a UI action name is prefilled with the node action name unless the user prefers to change it.

Prefill UI action name

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿญ FLOWX.AI Designerโ€‹

Display warning when a node is being edited by another userโ€‹

When a node inside a process definition is being edited by a user and another user opens this process a warning will be displayed. Avatar icons of both users on the node are displayed. Hovering over an avatar will reveal the full name of the user.


Node being edited by another user


This is also available for UI Designer.

Nodes multi-select and repositionโ€‹

You can now select multiple BPMN nodes and reposition them anywhere in the process canvas - using CMD/Ctrl + Click command. The nodes you select will be highlighted as you can see in the picture below.

Deactivate userโ€‹

You can now deactivate a user in FLOWX.AI Designer by accessing Access Management > Users and then pressing Deactivate on a selected user.


When you deactivate a user, the following events are triggered:

  • the user is logged out and all their active used sessions are deleted, users cannot log in anymore
  • the user is marked as deactivated in the identity provider solution
  • an extra configuration needs to be made to the admin service to also delete the offline sessions on the user, more details in the 2.12.0 deployment guidelines
  • in case the configuration is not properly made, the deactivated user will still be able to interact with the application until auth token expires

Warning when a platform component is downโ€‹

Added a new warning message to display when a component/ or multiple components are down.

Several components down

Access a subprocess definitionโ€‹

A user can now easily access a subprocess definition directly from the actions tab (inside a user task node or service task node).



Token instance versionโ€‹

Fixed a bug where when you are trying to open a process instance that has a null token version you will get a 500 error. You can open any process instance now, all tokens have a version that is not null.

๐Ÿš‚ FLOWX.AI Engineโ€‹

Subprocess errorโ€‹

Fixed an issue that was causing failure in starting a subprocess. Scenario: when you are trying to start a subprocess triggered from another subprocess using an automatic action (the subprocess on which you trigger the automatic action is triggered by a manual action on a process started with inherit).

Elastic search indexingโ€‹

Fixed indexing on elastic search, more details in the Deployment guidelines v2.12.0 section.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿญ FLOWX.AI Designerโ€‹

Edit node nameโ€‹

Fixed an issue where the edit node name button was deactivated.


Fixed a bug where when deleting parent enumerations, child enumerations would become enumerations themselves.

โœ๏ธ UI Designerโ€‹

Autosave changes in UI Designerโ€‹

Autosave function inside UI Designer is no longer closing pop-ups (while editing some fields) when it is triggered.


Integration managementโ€‹

Scenario definition pageโ€‹

The design of the scenario definition page has a new look meant to enhance the user experience.


Integration and scenario identifiers fields were removed from Integration Management's UI (they are now generated by the system backend).


Search by enumeration nameโ€‹

It is now possible to use the search function inside the enumerations menu.

Create child enumerationโ€‹

"Create child collection" becomes "Create child enumeration" to avoid confusion when editing enumerations.

Additional information regarding the deployment for v2.12.0 is available below:

ยปDeployment guidelines v2.12.0

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