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Version: 3.0.0

Managing HTML templates

Defining an HTML template format

The template can support the following types of parameters:

  1. Text

Use case: include the company name and registration number in an offer document

HTML template specifications:

<p><strong>Lorem ipsum: <span th:text="${companyName}"></span></strong>, dolor sit amet <strong><span th:text="${cui}"></span></strong>.</p>

Data specifications:

"data": {
"companyName": "Test Company SRL",
"cui": "RO1234567"

2. Dynamic tables - repeatable rows

Use case: display in a table as many rows as the elements of a generated list of objects; in the example below we are listing the name and value of all the benefits included in a commercial offer

HTML template specifications:

<tr class="headings">
<th class="column-title">Name</th>
<th class="column-title">Value</th>
<tr class='even pointer' th:each="row: ${offerValuesRows}" id="tablerow">
<td th:each="header: ${offerValuesHeader}" th:text="${row.get(header)}">

Data specifications:

"data": {
"offerValuesHeader": [
"offerValuesRows": [
{ "Name": "Price (USD/MWh)", "Value": "25" },
{ "Name": "Distribution rate (USD/MWh)", "Value": "C1 category: 27, C2 category: 29" },
{ "Name": "Subscription price / day / place of consumption", "Value": "C1 category: 1.25, C2 category: 1.32" },
{ "Name": "Period of validity of the price", "Value": "Validity time fixed price Monday, from the start date of delivery to the date of completion of delivery" },
{ "Name": "Payment term", "Value": "90 days" }

3. Dynamic table - repeatable table

Use case: display a table as many times as the elements of a generated list of objects; in the example below we are listing the consumption points registered through the process

HTML template specifications:

<div th:each="type: ${consumptionPoints}">
<th> Usage place </th>
<th> Distributor </th>
<th> CLC code </th>
<th> Usage method input </th>
<th> Usage type </th>
<th> Usage category \n(MWh) </th>
<th> Total usage \n(MWh) </th>
<tr th:if="${type.consumptionPoint.empty}">
<td colspan=\"7\"> No information available here! </td>
<tr th:each=\"consumptionPoint : ${type.consumptionPoint}\=">
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.consumptionPoint}"> Usage place </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.distribuitor}"> Distributor </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.clcCode}"> Cod CLC </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.consumerInputMethod}"> Usage method input </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.consumerType}"> Usage type </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.consumerCategory}"> Usage category \n(MWh) </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.totalAnnualConsumption}"> Total usage \n(MWh) </span></td>

Data specifications:

  "data": {
"consumptionPoints": [
"consumptionPoint": [
"consumptionPoint": "Lorem ipsum",
"distribuitor": "Distributor 1",
"clcCode": "123456",
"consumerInputMethod": "Lorem ipsum",
"consumerType": "Lorem ipsum",
"consumerCategory": "Lorem ipsum",
"totalAnnualConsumption": "Lorem ipsum"
"consumptionPoint": [
"consumptionPoint": "Lorem ipsum",
"distribuitor": "Distributor 2",
"clcCode": "131313",
"consumerInputMethod": "Lorem ipsum ipsum",
"consumerType": "Lorem ipsum",
"consumerCategory": "Lorem ipsum",
"totalAnnualConsumption": "Lorem ipsum"

4. Dynamic sections

Use case: display a paragraph only when a certain condition is met; in the example below, we display a section only if the client type is PJ

HTML template specifications:

<span th:if="${pjCLient==true}">
<p><b>PJ section, visible only if pjCLient = true</b></p>
<p><span th:text="${termTechnicalServices}"></span></p>
<span th:if="${pjCLient==false}">
<p><b>PF section, visible only if pjCLient = false</b></p>
<p><span th:text="${termInsuranceServices}"></span></p>

Data specifications:

 "data": {
"pjCLient": true

5. Images

Use case: include in the final document images that are generated throughout the process; in the example below, we are attaching to the document the holograph signature of the client

HTML template specifications:

<td class='align'><img th:src="*{'data:image/png;base64,'+signature}" alt=\"\" height='100px'/></td>

Data specifications:

"data": {
"signature": "INSERT_BASE64_IMAGE"

6. Barcodes

To opt for including a barcode, the parameter includeBarcode should be set as true.

7. Lists

Use case: display a bulleted list with values from selected items in a checkbox; in the example below we are listing the source of income:

HTML template specifications:

  <div th:if="${incomeSource != null}">
<h3>Income source:</h3>
<li th:each="item : ${incomeSource}" th:text="${item}"></li>

Data specifications:

"data": {
"incomeSource": [
"Income 1",
"Income 2",
"Income 3",
"Income 4"



Download a PDF sample generated based on the HTML example, here.

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