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Version: 3.3.0

Managing HTML templates

In the Document Management Plugin, you have the flexibility to define and manage HTML templates for generating documents. These templates can incorporate various types of parameters to customize the content. Let's explore the different types of parameters and their specifications:

Configuring HTML templatesโ€‹

Text parametersโ€‹

Text parameters are used to include dynamic text in the template. For example, you can include the company name and registration number in an offer document. Here's an example of HTML template specifications:

<p><strong>Lorem ipsum: <span th:text="${companyName}"></span></strong>, dolor sit amet <strong><span th:text="${cui}"></span></strong>.</p>

Data specifications:

"data": {
"companyName": "Test Company SRL",
"cui": "RO1234567"

Dynamic tables - repeatable rowsโ€‹

Dynamic tables are useful when you want to display a table with repeatable rows. Each row can represent a different element from a generated list of objects. Here's an example of HTML template specifications:

<tr class="headings">
<th class="column-title">Name</th>
<th class="column-title">Value</th>
<tr class='even pointer' th:each="row: ${offerValuesRows}" id="tablerow">
<td th:each="header: ${offerValuesHeader}" th:text="${row.get(header)}">

Data specifications:

"data": {
"offerValuesHeader": [
"offerValuesRows": [
{ "Name": "Price (USD/MWh)", "Value": "25" },
{ "Name": "Distribution rate (USD/MWh)", "Value": "C1 category: 27, C2 category: 29" },
{ "Name": "Subscription price / day / place of consumption", "Value": "C1 category: 1.25, C2 category: 1.32" },
{ "Name": "Period of validity of the price", "Value": "Validity time fixed price Monday, from the start date of delivery to the date of completion of delivery" },
{ "Name": "Payment term", "Value": "90 days" }

Dynamic tables - repeatable tableโ€‹

This type of dynamic table allows you to display a table multiple times based on the elements of a generated list of objects. Here's an example of HTML template specifications:

<div th:each="type: ${consumptionPoints}">
<th> Usage place </th>
<th> Distributor </th>
<th> CLC code </th>
<th> Usage method input </th>
<th> Usage type </th>
<th> Usage category \n(MWh) </th>
<th> Total usage \n(MWh) </th>
<tr th:if="${type.consumptionPoint.empty}">
<td colspan=\"7\"> No information available here! </td>
<tr th:each=\"consumptionPoint : ${type.consumptionPoint}\=">
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.consumptionPoint}"> Usage place </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.distribuitor}"> Distributor </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.clcCode}"> Cod CLC </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.consumerInputMethod}"> Usage method input </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.consumerType}"> Usage type </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.consumerCategory}"> Usage category \n(MWh) </span></td>
<td><span th:text="${consumptionPoint.totalAnnualConsumption}"> Total usage \n(MWh) </span></td>

Data specifications:

  "data": {
"consumptionPoints": [
"consumptionPoint": [
"consumptionPoint": "Lorem ipsum",
"distribuitor": "Distributor 1",
"clcCode": "123456",
"consumerInputMethod": "Lorem ipsum",
"consumerType": "Lorem ipsum",
"consumerCategory": "Lorem ipsum",
"totalAnnualConsumption": "Lorem ipsum"
"consumptionPoint": [
"consumptionPoint": "Lorem ipsum",
"distribuitor": "Distributor 2",
"clcCode": "131313",
"consumerInputMethod": "Lorem ipsum ipsum",
"consumerType": "Lorem ipsum",
"consumerCategory": "Lorem ipsum",
"totalAnnualConsumption": "Lorem ipsum"

Dynamic sectionsโ€‹

Dynamic sections allow you to display specific content based on certain conditions. For example, you can display a paragraph only when a certain condition is met. Here's an example of HTML template specifications:

<span th:if="${pjCLient==true}">
<p><b>PJ section, visible only if pjCLient = true</b></p>
<p><span th:text="${termTechnicalServices}"></span></p>
<span th:if="${pjCLient==false}">
<p><b>PF section, visible only if pjCLient = false</b></p>
<p><span th:text="${termInsuranceServices}"></span></p>

Data specifications:

 "data": {
"pjCLient": true


You can include images in your final document by referencing them in the template. Here's an example of HTML template specifications:

<td class='align'><img th:src="*{'data:image/png;base64,'+signature}" alt=\"\" height='100px'/></td>

Data specifications:

"data": {
"signature": "INSERT_BASE64_IMAGE"


If you want to include a barcode, you can set the includeBarcode parameter to true.

For information on how to use barcodes and OCR, check the following section.

ยปOCR plugin


Lists are useful for displaying values from selected items in a checkbox as a bulleted list. Here's an example of HTML template specifications:

  <div th:if="${incomeSource != null}">
<h3>Income source:</h3>
<li th:each="item : ${incomeSource}" th:text="${item}"></li>

Data specifications:

"data": {
"incomeSource": [
"Income 1",
"Income 2",
"Income 3",
"Income 4"



Download a PDF sample generated based on the HTML example, here.

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