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Version: 3.3.0

Converting documents to different formats


Currently, the supported conversion method is from PDF to JPEG.

Sending the request

To create a process that converts a document from PDF to JPEG format, follow these steps:

  1. Create a process that includes a Kafka send event node and a Kafka receive event node. The send node is used to send the conversion request, and the receive node is used to receive the reply.
  2. Configure the first node (Kafka send event) by adding a Kafka send action. Here is an example:

  1. Specify the Kafka topic where you want to send the conversion request:

  1. Fill in the body of the message request:

  • fileId: The file ID that will be converted
  • to: The file extension to convert to (in this case, "jpeg").

You can set the Kafka topic names by overwriting the following environment variables during deployment:

  • KAFKA_TOPIC_FILE_CONVERT_IN - default value: - the topic that listens for conversion requests from the engine
  • KAFKA_TOPIC_FILE_CONVERT_OUT - default value: - the topic on which the engine expects the reply

The examples provided above are extracted from an internal testing environment. When setting topics for other environments, use the pattern ai.flowx.updates.{{environment}}.document.convert.v1.


Make sure to use an outgoing topic name for the reply that matches the pattern configured in the Engine, as it listens for messages on topics with specific names.

Receiving the reply


You can view the response by accessing the Audit log menu.

The response will be sent to the outgoing Kafka topic (defined on the Kafka receive event node) and can be accessed as follows:

Values expected in the reply body:

  • customId: The client ID.
  • fileId: The file ID.
  • documentType: The document type.
  • documentLabel: The document label (if available).
  • minioPath: The path where the converted file is saved. It represents the location of the file in the storage system, whether it's a MinIO path or an S3 path, depending on the specific storage solution.
  • downloadPath: The download path for the converted file.
  • noOfPages: The number of pages in the converted file (if available).
  • error: Any error message in case of an error during the conversion process.


"customId": "1234_727705",
"fileId": 4152,
"documentType": "BULK",
"documentLabel": null,
"minioPath": "qualitance-dev-paperflow-qa-process-id-727705/1234_727705/4152_BULK.jpg",
"downloadPath": "internal/files/4152/download",
"noOfPages": null,
"error": null

Please note that the actual values in the response will depend on the specific conversion request and the document being converted.

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