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Version: 2.13.0


A card is a simple element that allows component grouping and alignment. It has the option to enable/disable an accordion element.

Properties that can be configured:


  1. General - where you define the Message
    • Message - describes the data pushed to the frontend application when the process reaches this user task; should be a valid JSON
  2. FLOWX props - title and subtitle
  3. Has accordion? - The Bootstrap accordion is a component that organizes content within collapsible items. Accordion allows the display of only one collapsed item at a time.

Accordion element is not available for mobile.


Layout - available for components that group children, more details about layouts can be found here. The following styling properties can be edited:

  • Direction - Vertical (column)
  • Alignment - Align(H): start; Align(V): end
  • other CSS properties

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